We all have questions, boundaries, and standards. We look forward to getting to know you and yours.
Do you take insurance? In Maryland, we take BCBS, Cigna, UnitedHealth Care, Aetna.
If you don’t take my insurance, what are my options? We offer private pay sessions at $125 each, including intake.
Are there other options? We will supply you with a Superbill, which you can provide to your insurance company for possible Out of Network (OON) coverage. The client is responsible for checking if their insurance covers OON providers and at what percentage.
Are there income sliding scales? Yes
What forms of payment are accepted? Cash, Discover, Mastercard, Visa

Do you provide medication management services? We do not.
What is your cancellation policy? Suppose you do not contact Restorative Strategies, LLC, 24 hours before your appointment to reschedule or cancel. In that case, there will be a $125 fee.
Go onto your Simple Practice client portal and cancel or request any appointment that fits within your schedule at any time.
We are flexible within 24 hours if you want to change from an office to a virtual appointment.
Can I do teletherapy outside of my home? Your privacy is paramount. You cannot be driving a vehicle or in public. You have to be somewhere stationary and secure. All clients must be within the State of Maryland while in therapy.

How long do I need to be in therapy? Everyone has different needs. Some people need support during a stressful period, while others may need a therapist to provide a safe space for years. The main takeaway is that this is different for every person.
How are we a good fit? The goal is to seek someone you feel can be authentic and genuine and grow to trust. Relationships with therapists are much like others, where comfort, communication, and honesty are needed. There will be some therapists that you vibe. There will be other therapists who don’t speak your language or truth. There may be therapists that work well for some time, and then you need to seek a switch. It is okay and encouraged that you let us know if you need something different than what is provided. We will be happy to adapt or refer you to another therapeutic provider that can be more in line with your needs.

What is EMDR? Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a unique technique to process trauma, looking at the memories in our lives and what belief systems have been embedded over time. This model helps people adapt traumatic memories, where otherwise they may be stuck in parts of the body, the past, or in their behavior. This framework for therapy can address single traumatic events or extensive exposure to trauma over long periods, where a client might have the diagnosis of PTSD, but that is not always the case.
Do I have to experience trauma to benefit from EMDR?
No. It is a framework and guide.
Do you only do EMDR? No, we provide mental health services to people seeking hope and help. We have experience with ADHD, Depression, Mood Disorders, Anxiety, Relationship concerns, and anyone questioning their sexuality, gender, or exploring.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the No Surprise Act. This aims to prevent Surprise Billing by providers for services rendered to consumers without insurance or insured consumers that don’t plan to use their health plan to cover costs. Providers must furnish a Good Faith Estimate to the individual prior to receiving the service or item. Please see the attached link for more information. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at help@restorative-strateiges.com